Music has always been in my blood! I have it everywhere in my life. When I was little my Mom and Dad listened and danced to Motown, I loved watching the Sonny & Cher Show and the Jackson 5 on TV. My parents got divorced when I was in second grade and my Mom re-married a 70’s rock lover. Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, and Pink Floyd mixed with my love for Motown!
- My very first 45 I bought for myself was KungFu Fighting in 1974
- My very first album I bought was in 8th grade Rappers Delight, me and my best friend Erin played on her parents living room record player (looked like a piece of furniture) for hours and days until we memorized every single word! I still belt out singing whenever I hear it!
In 1981 I dated a boy in high school who was a self-proclaimed Punk Rocker, we watched the opening night of MTV.
Later in life my Motown listening Dad started country line dancing at the Yellow Rose!! It was here when I began listening and loving country music.
Then to bring it all full circle, I married a DJ! Matt Williams, my cute hubby started TKO Djs in 1981 when he was 15 years old. Still today he makes me swoon when he dances, he can do the entire Electric Slide facing backwards – makes for a great dance partner. And we can karaoke the BEST Paradise by the Dashboard Light you’ve ever seen.
We have had dance parties in our home with our kids since they could walk, front row seats for Nelly and Justin Bieber, now they introduce me to new music everyday.
Music is ever-present in our lives and hope you’ll all love my latest playlist, a perfect mix of my Dad, my StepDad, my best friend, a few old boyfriends, my hubby, and a big influence from my teenage kids.
Because music is such a huge part of my life, I am sharing Jenny Q’s Fall Playlist: 89 Songs to Usher in Autumn: