Forget about the Christmas Creep, what about SOS—Stressed Out Season?
We have reached the time of year where most of us working moms are super busy and we have no time to spare. Between work and special projects, parenting and college aged kids visiting, sneaking in time with our mates, and all of the parties and events that occur around this time of year, it is no wonder that we manage to get it all done.
I love the holiday season, but I don’t always love everything that comes with it. The bonding time that I get with my brood means everything to me, so that tends to anchor me during this chaotic and stressful time.
We always hear about self-care and the importance of it, but how many of us let those rituals lapse in November and December? Raise your hands—I promise I am not judging.
I haven’t always made self-care a priority during the holidays, but this year, I am going to go for the gold by making sure I nurture my mind, body, and soul.
Here are 6 Self-Care Tips to Helping Working Moms Get Through the Holidays. Let’s begin!
Thou Shall Not Overbook
Working moms, we have a tendency to overdo it, but this is the time of year where it’s already hectic enough—why add more to your plate? Despite the fact that you are probably receiving invites to tons of events and parties and other happenings, you need to pace yourself. The first step to self-care is realizing how full your cup is, and being able to make sure it doesn’t overflow.
Allow yourself grace this season and don’t overbook yourself. Make a reasonable limit of parties you will attend, and try to not bring work home with you at night if you possibly can. Don’t fill your schedule to capacity, and allow yourself to enjoy your friends and family.
Thou Shall Carve Out Some Alone Time
Family time is of the upmost importance to me, but I also understand that I need time alone as well. I make sure to carve out at least 10 to 20 minutes of alone time on a regular basis—I use this time to read or just sit still and enjoy my cozy home. Just that little bit of tine to yourself can do wonders, and help keep the stress at bay.
Thou Shall Say No
It is okay to say no—as a matter of fact, it’s critical that you do so. You can’t do everything, or be everywhere with everyone. Be selective with the things you say yes to, you’ll thank me later.
Thou Shall Use Do Not Disturb
That DND feature on your phone is there for a reason. Make it a point to limit your screen-time so you focused and present with your loved ones, and use the DND feature to allow you some much uninterrupted time with your family.
Thou Shall Prioritize
Priorities are the what. Boundaries are the how. During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, make sure that you complete what you prioritize so that you don’t get overwhelmed. For example, my family is my #1 priority, so I create boundaries (i.e. not staying too late at work) so that priority is given the upmost attention.
Things that are further down my list are done in order, and I make sure the things on my list are non-negotiable, meaning if it’s not on my list, it isn’t a priority and I don’t break my neck trying to do them.
Thou Shall Ditch Perfection
As moms, we want everything to be good and run like a well oiled engine, but we also have to ditch perfectionism in order to truly enjoy ourselves during this time of year. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the perfectionist trap.
Let’s make a pact that this holiday season will be truly one to remember. I am hoping my 6 Self-Care Tips to Helping Working Moms Get Through the Holidays helps you make the most wonderful time of the year truly magical.
Love it! I need to get a sign for my bedroom door! Do not disturb! Really take time to read! Any great books suggested?