Being a small business owner myself since 1991, I’ve learned a lot of nuances when it comes to Marketing. One of my biggest lessons? Public relations! Public Relations, also known as PR, is not just for big businesses! It can be one of the most successful and effective ways to get higher Google searches and drive more customers to your company. There are a lot of ways you can go about handling your PR, so I’m sharing a few quick tips to get started.
1. Mingle. Reach out to area publications and blogs that have similar interests to your company and offer to be a guest blogger. Once they agree to post your stories and blogs they will also put a link to your website. The key here is the link! The referral to your website is everything. The more places your website is linked the higher your Google searches will be. Google likes friendly companies!
2. Cross reference other businesses on your website. This might sound odd to begin with, but after learning the Google tip from #1, it’s another great way to get your website link on more pages. Offer other businesses you work with or partner with to post their websites on yours – and do a reciprocal trade.
3. Write a press release. Aren’t sure how? Learn! Just start writing. Media is always looking for stories, and giving them one makes their job easier and gives them a topic to write about. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t pick it up – keep trying!
4. Get around town. Offer to be a guest speaker to organizations around town and make sure they put a link to your company on their website or their event page. Even during COVID there are many opportunities to be guests on Zoom calls and podcasts.
5. Get help from the experts. Many small business owners don’t have time to tackle their PR and Marketing, so reach out and interview a few firms and hire the experts!! I love my Marketing partner! Curious who I work with for PR and Marketing, email me at [email protected] and I’ll let you know!